——это мой дневник) поэтому лучше бы вы его не читали, так как сдесь написано много личного...ну если вы уж начали, то с этим уже ничего не поделаешь.
MY HERO DIED FOR ME, HIS NAME IS JESUS!!! Lord You Are - Kindness, Compassion, Timeless, Matchless, Divine in Your actions! Lord You Are - The Bedrock of trust, sin stops on your block ‘cause You’re the head cop You’re Just! Lord You Are - So Gracious and Merciful, Praise - You deserve it, so worthy of worship! Lord You Are - I call You hope, I call You Peace and Love -You’re all of these – You’re all of the above!!! Thank you Jesus for being my HERO!!!.
MY HERO DIED FOR ME, HIS NAME IS JESUS!!! Lord You Are - Kindness, Compassion, Timeless, Matchless, Divine in Your actions! Lord You Are - The Bedrock of trust, sin stops on your block ‘cause You’re the head cop You’re Just! Lord You Are - So Gracious and Merciful, Praise - You deserve it, so worthy of worship! Lord You Are - I call You hope, I call You Peace and Love -You’re all of these – You’re all of the above!!! Thank you Jesus for being my HERO!!!.